Wednesday, January 6, 2010

London Time

With our appointment to visit Trealy Farm a few days away we set off to the opposite coast of England and a quick visit to the Sportsman Restaurant and chef Stephen Harris.

London being on the way we stopped for a visit. Jim visited the Tate Modern Museum on the banks of the Thames to check out the huge gallery space, hoping to fit something of his art work there someday. While touring the museum Jim received a message from the chief adjudicator of the Guinness Book of World Records stating that Jim had been confirmed as holding the world record for the "largest artwork in history".

We dined at St. John Restaurant near the Smithfield Market, a London classic that should not be missed.

Jim at St John

Another kind relative of Dave's, Dora's sister Lucy, put us up for the night at her place in the Bethnel Green area of East London.

Weather conditions were icy cold so Jim made a quick ice drawing.

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